This is a book in Alone in the Dark 2.
A Powder Plot is a book found in the possession of De Witt, when he is defeated a second time on The Flying Dutchman. The book would become inspiration for Carnby to blow up the Crew Dormitory, thus revealing a pouch of coins within some of the remnants of what used to be the bed bunks.
- relating the Mutiny
- Which was declared in
- 1769 on H.M.S.
- Dark Horse.
- xx xx
- xx xx
- Danny Boy, being small of size
was able to pass alongside the salting tub.
Clutching a poker, he slipped into the
powder room, where Captain Jenkins,
his officers and what crew-men
remained loyal to King and Country were
all gathered. Jenkins was rallying his
men with a spirited rendition of "Rule
- Danny struck the fuse in the keg of
powder during the first verse. He let out
the string.
No sooner had he lit the end of the
fuse with a piece of incandescent metal,
when the ship was buffeted by a large
wave. A poorly stowed barrel slid from
- it's mooring and blocked the way out. The
fuse burned on. The men still sang,
except for the trouble-maker, who stood
petrified in terror.
- "Never, never, never shall be
slaves" still echoed in the air,
When the Dark Horse blew up.
- Several of the survivors claimed
that Danny Boy had tried to extinguish
the fuse by spitting on it. If only
provisions of sand had been made ready
for such emergencies...
- From that time on, the stower's
name was cursed by all freebooters. And
so ended in flame and death the tragic
tale of a three-master now resting
80 feet under the waves of the balmy
Indian Ocean.