Alone in the Dark Wiki

A Book on Witchcraft (also known as the White Book) is a book that can be found in the Archives Room of the Town Hall. It is located on a shelf by the door to the Foyer.


According to the book Traditions and Customs of the Navajo, by Colonel Walker, the White Book was rumored to have been written by a man named Pregzt, containing incantations written in invisible ink that would only appear close to firelight. Carnby is able to read it by lighting the candle on the library desk and reading it by the light. It contains a clue on how to solve an up-coming puzzle.


When the full moon
is reflected through
the symbol of Pregzt,
an honest man's
movements are slowed,
until he breaks the
cursed glass!

He who places the
war-stick of Thunder's
son at the center of the
stone of the dead
will rent the sky and
hold off forever those
who guard the Styx!


The book contains instruction on how to get past the Mayor's Office to the Cemetery, and how to use the War Stick in order to defeat the grave diggers and make progress.
