Duke and John Elwood, famously known as The Elwood Brothers, are a duo of bandits and Jed Stone's personal henchmen. They act as secondary antagonists in Alone in the Dark 3, stalking Carnby and blocking his path throughout the game.
Early Life[]
The Elwood Brothers were a criminal duo in Slaughter Gulch that worked for Jed Stone, probably, since the very foundation of the town, and were quite infamous. The bounty on their wanted poster is $2000, making their bounty higher than Cobra's and Lone Miner's, and really high for the time. The explanation behind the high bounty is due to the fact they are really dangerous and tough to stop, as stated in the poster that says that "no bullet has ever stopped them".
Alone in the Dark 3[]
John Elwood is initially seen in the very beginning, watching the bridge blow up and throw Carnby up in the air. They appear all around town watching Carnby and blocking his path. They also try to enter the jail to kill Carnby but are averted by being blocked by a cupboard against the doors.
When Jed Stone arranges a deal at the water tower for a special case in return for Emily Hartwood, Jed summons them to kill Carnby once the deal was done. However, as Carnby has the Indian medallion in his possession, he is given the chance to resurrect himself.
They are later seen in the final stage alongside Jed Stone, ready to kill Carnby. But they fail, as Carnby manages to break their immortality and kill Jed.
Duke wears a light-brown hat, a dark grey shirt, green vest, blue jeans with leather chaps and brown boots; while John wears a brown hat, a dark blue shirt, a brown leather vest, blue jeans with blue chaps and brown boots. Their identical body and facial features tell that they are most likely twin brothers.
They appear when Carnby tries to leave a certain area that is considered out of bounds. In the local Jail, they can be averted by being blocked with a cupboard against the doors, or if you climb the ropes to the roof on time, but if you fall back down, they will get near Carnby and kill him. The Elwood Brothers can be shot, but won't die, instead, the other brother will spawn beside him and shoot Carnby; if the player gets too close to one of them, Carnby will freeze and be executed by the brothers, meaning that you have to avoid them at all costs.
They can be defeated only in the final stage of the game, with two possible ways:
- Using an evil wand with a mineral tip in the eagle totem, which will immediately kill them both;
- Killing Jed Stone by electrocuting the water and hiding by the eagle totem. However, it may be dangerous, as the player will have to wait for Jed to step in the water, and the Elwood Brothers will teleport directly to Carnby and shoot him.
- The Elwood Brothers were created primarily to prevent players from going out of bounds, acting as barriers.