Alone in the Dark Wiki

The "cave monster", or "Giant Spider-Wolf", is the nickname of a large unnamed monster from Alone in the Dark (1992) that was located in the underground Antechamber that was underneath the Derceto Manor. This monstrosity's origins are unknown.


The spider-wolf will try creeping up to the protagonist. When it gets close enough, it will stand on its back legs and attack the player. When hit, it will lay on its back, giving the impression of death, before it starts attacking again.


Although some might recommend only using guns to kill it, it is possible to kill him with the sword, or another blade. Simply try attacking it from the sides, and backing up as soon as it attacks.

Like most creatures in underworld though, it's pretty easy to run past it. Just throw any item at it and it will fall on it's back.

(Be sure to stay way from the walls though, since the game has a bug where the hit-box isn't direction, causing the game to treat an item thrown away from a wall the same way as if you were throwing it against the wall)


  • The popular podcast "Welcome to Night Vale" makes reference to the Spider-Wolf, as its High School sports team is referred to as "The Spiderwolves." It is unknown as to whether this is a reference to this creature specifically, or simply a coincidence.
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Alone in the Dark