Alone in the Dark Wiki

Indrani de Bali is a dancing toy with the appearance of a princess from India, and an enemy in Jack In The Dark.


This dancing princess of the Temple of Shiva enjoyed an enormous success in India last century. Brought to the West by Kipling whose fame spread as fast as an oil slick.

Events of Jack in the Dark[]

She is first seen hanging near the window with the mechanical train. She's possessed by Jack and attempts to scare Grace and capture her.


She stays hanged in the wall until you use the coin on the candy machine. Just as her bio says, use the oil lamp on the ground and wait till she steps on it. She's quite slow and should be an easy bait. After steping on the oil, she trips and falls. Defeating her is necessary, even if she doesn't drop anything. Otherwise, you won't progress to the next part of the game.

See also[]

Jack in the Dark