- .44 Magnum
- .44 Piranha
- 15 kW battery
- 1st Floor Bathroom
- 1st Floor Jail Cell (Jail)
- 1st Floor Secondary Corridor (Morton Manor)
- 2nd FLR East Gilded Key
- 2nd Floor Bathroom 1 (Hell's Kitchen)
- 2nd Floor Bathroom 2 (Hell's Kitchen)
- 2nd Floor Corridor (Flying Dutchman)
- 2nd Floor Corridor (Hell's Kitchen)
- 2nd Floor Corridor (Morton Manor)
- 2nd Floor Corridor (Town Hall)
- 2nd Floor Landing (Hell's Kitchen)
- 30-30 Bullet
- 45 PHX
- 9mm
- AITDW: Alone in the Dark 2 Grace items articles project
- AITDW: Alone in the Dark 3 item articles project
- AITDW: Alone in the Dark item articles project
- AITD Wiki:Navigation Beautification Project
- AITD Wiki:Project - Category Tree
- AITD Wiki:Project - Category Tree/Tree.xml
- AITD Wiki: The New Nightmare document articles project
- AITD Wiki: The New Nightmare item articles project
- ALONE IN THE DARK 4: The New Nightmare Original Soundtrack
- A Long Engagement
- A Pirate’s Log Book
- A Powder Plot
- Abdul Alhazred
- Abkani artefacts (Film version)
- Abkani tribe
- Abkanis Tablets
- Abkanis Tablets Translation
- Abkanis figurines
- Abkanis spear
- Abner Lundberg
- Abner Lundberg's house
- Ace of Diamonds
- Acrobat Statue
- Activity Room
- Aggartha
- Alan's Laboratory
- Alan's Office (Morton Manor)
- AlanShad
- Alan Morton
- Alan Morton's Diary
- Alan Morton's Notebook
- Alan Morton's seal
- Alan Morton (Game Boy Color)
- Alan Morton Study Registry
- Alcohol Bottle
- Algernon Lyle Hartwood
- Ali
- Aline's father
- Aline Cedrac
- Aline Cedrac (Film)
- Allen Wrench
- Alone In The Dark: The New Nightmare: Prima's Official Strategy Guide
- Alone in the Dark:Projects
- Alone in the Dark: Illumination
- Alone in the Dark: Illumination Achievements
- Alone in the Dark: Illumination Steam cards
- Alone in the Dark: Illumination narration transcripts
- Alone in the Dark: Life is a Hideous Thing
- Alone in the Dark: Prima Official Game Guide
- Alone in the Dark: The Abductions
- Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare
- Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare (GBC) cheat codes
- Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare (Game Boy Color)
- Alone in the Dark (1992)
- Alone in the Dark (2008)
- Alone in the Dark (2008) Xbox 360 Achievements
- Alone in the Dark (2024)
- Alone in the Dark (Film)
- Alone in the Dark (Lagniappe)
- Alone in the Dark (Remake)
- Alone in the Dark (comic)
- Alone in the Dark 2
- Alone in the Dark 3
- Alone in the Dark 3: The Official Strategy Guide
- Alone in the Dark 5
- Alone in the Dark II (Film)
- Alone in the Dark Prologue
- Alone in the Dark Wiki
- Alone in the Dark talk:Unified page layout project
- Ammo (Alone in the Dark: Illumination)
- Ammunition
- Ammunition for the Pirate Pistol
- Amulet
- Amulet of Protection
- Animated Armor
- Animated Portraits
- Animated trident
- Animated vines
- Anna
- Anna's Companion
- Antechamber
- Antechamber 2
- Anthropomorphic monster
- Arachnocid
- Arachnocid (scrapped boss)
- Archibald Morton
- Archibald Morton's diary
- Archives Room
- Arizona Kid
- Arizona Kid's Room
- Armoury (Jail)
- Arracheurs
- Arrow
- Ashes of Indigo
- Astarte
- Astronomy Book
- Atlach-Nacha
- Attic Room
- Audio Gallery (AITD Illumination)
- Aurora
- Auxiliary Corridor (1st Floor)
- Auxillary Corridor (1st Floor)
- B Cellar Gilded Key
- Backyard
- Bag full of gold coins
- Bag of Scorpions
- Bag of Seeds
- Bag of pemmican
- Ballroom (1st Floor)
- Bank
- Bank Teller
- Basement Lobby
- Bathroom (2nd Floor)
- Bathroom (3rd Floor)
- Bathroom 2 (Hell's Kitchen)
- Bathtub Monster
- Batiste's keys
- Battery
- Battledore
- Bedroom (2nd Floor)
- Bedroom (3rd Floor)
- Bedroom (Slaughter Gulch Saloon)
- Bedroom 2 (2nd Floor)
- Bedroom 3 (2nd Floor)
- Bell
- Belvedere Castle
- Bench Room
- Beneath the Graves
- Beppo the Clown
- Billards Manual
- Billiard Ball
- Billiards Room
- Billy Silver
- Black & White Photograph
- Black Brotherhood
- Black Hat
- Blasting cap
- Blockhouse
- Blondie
- Blood Pack
- Blue Flask
- Blue Key
- Blue Lens
- Boat
- Bolt Cutters
- Bomb
- Bomb Ingredients
- Book "I overcame Voodoo"
- Book on Witchcraft
- Book on the Abkanis Indians
- Bootleg Room
- Bottle
- Bottle of Ammonia
- Bottle of Whiskey
- Bow
- Box of Biscuits
- Box of Cartridges
- Box of Matches
- Boyle
- Bridge Garden
- Britannia Mine
- Bronze Sun
- Broom
- Bubble Blade
- Bulb
- Bullet-proof vest
- Bullets for a winchester
- Buopoth
- Bureau 713
- Bureau 713 (Film)
- Burning Glow
- Cabbie
- Candlestick
- Candy Stick
- Cane
- Canid creature
- Cannon Room
- Captain's Cabin
- Captain's Staff
- Captain Nichol's sword
- Captain Nichols
- Car
- Car Tyre
- Card Hatch Tunnel
- Cargo Hold
- Cargo Hold Corridor
- Cartridge belt
- Cartridges for a riot gun
- Cassandra Beauregard
- Cast iron plate
- Catskill Mountain
- Cell
- Cellar
- Cellar (Morton Manor)
- Cellar (Saloon)
- Cellar Key
- Cemetery (Shadow Island)
- Central Park
- Chapel
- Charles Fiske
- Charles Fiske's Notebook
- Charms of Saving
- Cheat Mode (Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare)
- Chernick
- Chess and Magik
- Chest's Key
- Cheung
- Chicken's Foot
- China Piggy-bank
- Chopin’s Posthumous Opus 69 Nr 1
- Chorazos Cult
- Christopher Lamb
- Cigars
- Clara
- Closet (1st Floor)
- Clown
- Coat of Mail
- Cobra
- Cobra's wig
- Collapsed Well
- Colt
- Combat
- Combat ax
- Compass Rose
- Conivct Dormitory
- Convict Dormitory
- Corridor (2nd Floor)
- Corridor (3rd Floor)
- Costume Jewelry Ring
- Courtyard
- Crank
- Creature of Darkness
- Creature on the threshold
- Creatures of Darkness
- Creeping Chaos
- Crew Dormitory
- Crew of the "Flying Dutchman"
- Crossbow
- Crowbar
- Crowbar (gbc)
- Crowley
- Crown
- Crown of Genghis
- Crucible Room
- Crystal Vase
- Crystal ball
- Cthonian
- Cthonian Tunnels
- Cthulhu
- Curious Napkin
- Customized Revolver
- Dagger
- Dagger of sacrifice
- Dance Hall (Town Hall)
- Dance Hall Key
- Dancing enemy
- Dark Crypt
- Dark Liquid
- Dark Maze
- De Vermis Mysteriis
- De Witt
- Dead leaf
- Deep One Chamber
- Deep Ones
- Deluge Multinational Company
- Demonia Particularis
- Demons
- Derceto Manor
- Derceto Manor (THQ)
- Derringer
- Detonator
- Detonator box
- Dexter
- Dexter's house
- Diamond
- Diana Armitage
- Diary of a Journey
- Dictaphone
- Digging
- Dime
- Dining Room (1st Floor)
- Disc launcher
- Distillery
- Dog Collar
- Dogs of Darkness
- Dormitory
- Doubloon
- Dr. Gray
- Dr. Isaac Herbert
- Dr. Jenkins Lozenges
- Dr. Leng
- Dragon Room
- Draining Curse
- Drake
- Drawing Room (1st Floor)
- Dresser Key
- Dressing Room
- Dressing Room (3rd Floor)
- Drink
- Driver
- Drum
- Dynamite
- Eagle-shaped nugget
- Early Newspaper
- East Attic Room A (Morton Manor)
- East Attic Room B (Morton Manor)
- East Attic Room C (Morton Manor)
- East Bedroom (Morton Manor)
- East Garden 1
- East Loft (Morton Manor)
- East Staircase (Morton Manor)
- Easter Eggs in Alone in the Dark (2024)
- Edward Carnby
- Edward Carnby, P.I.
- Edward Carnby (Film)
- Edward Carnby (THQ)
- Edward Carnby (The New Nightmare)
- Edward Carnby (disambiguation)
- Edward Carnby Junior
- Electrical Wire
- Elisabeth Jarret
- Elizabeth Dexter
- Elizabeth Jarret's Bedroom
- Elizabeth Jarret's Cabin
- Elwood Brothers
- Emergency Flare
- Emily Hartwood
- Emily Hartwood's Diary