Alone in the Dark Wiki

Sinclair was female member of Dexter's witch hunters and appeared in the Alone in the Dark II film.


At some point prior to the present events, she joined a group of Witch Hunter's that were led by Dexter.

She was holding a scanner which detected the aura of someone who was afflicted by a curse of the witch.

After sucussfully bringing Carnby to the Dexter's house, she washed up any spills of blood on the back seat of the car. When Dexter and Natalie call out to Carnby, both she and Boyle meet up with the two and proceeded to help.

She then found him lying on the ground suffereing from illusions, shouting to the rest where he is.

During the witch's attack on the Dexter house. She sated in the safe house armed with the machine gun emplacement.


See also[]

External links[]

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